Welcome to surfersmusic46


  1. Ben, Josiah, Megen, Sarah, Addy & AmandaNovember 3, 2010 at 1:39 PM

    Special K, you are the greatest music teacher ever! Thanks for the new website!!

  2. Thanks for creating a new website; I'm really excited about it!

  3. Great site looks like fun

  4. Jill Martlock (Mikayla's Mom)November 3, 2010 at 5:24 PM

    What a GREAT idea! Mikayla was very excited to come home and try this right away! She's been on it for an hour now! Thank You "Special K" for making such a fun website for the kids!

  5. Awesome K, thanks for teaching me about ostinados. I am learning a piece on the piano with my left hand doing a ostinado.

  6. COOL WEBSITE! IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    By the way, what is your favorite coffee brand?

  7. Hey,Mr.K. Have you ever thought about puting your own auto biography in this website? Just a thought.....but honestly I think its a good idea

  8. I have tried to get on to the singing horses on this website but doesnt come up so I found it on a different. I found it on "singing horses.com"
    I showed it to my brother and he thought it was so funny. Speacial K you are the best music teacher ever!

  9. I show my mom and she LOVES it.

  10. I really like this blog Mr.K,nice job

  11. Mr.K this moring I showed my faimly the singing horse and every body started to laught.

  12. this is sooo cool!!!!!!

  13. Thanks Mr.K for putting this blog up!!!!

  14. SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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