CAlling ALL 5th Gradeeeeerrrrsss!!!

Hey guys and gals, it's getting to be that time of year to start planning what your middle school schedule will look like. Malibu has had a great several years where the number of 5th grade students involved in music has been a very large percentage. My goal for this year is to send AS MANY STUDENTS AS POSSIBLE to the Band/Chorus/Orchestra programs in your middle schools.

I started playing saxophone in the 6th grade and continued through a performance degree in college and grad school. Without a doubt, it was the best experience to be with a group of different people, very diverse, with a common goal of performing well and learning music at a higher level. I have toured with numerous broadway productions, played with The Temptations and the O-Jays, along with the symphony and numerous other wonderful groups. The experiences would not have been possible without early exposure to music in middle school!

THERE IS NO EXPLORATORY CLASS that will give you the same quality experience that a music class will – guaranteed. DON'T let the middle school counselors talk you out of music, or into a class that could potentially be a big waste of time. ALSO, don't let the middle school counselors ever tell you that a music class is full.

Parents, continuing in music is a very high priority for students. By the time they graduate high school and even college, they will get numerous years of foreign language experience. CONTINUE MUSIC IN 6TH Grade!!!!! Otherwise the opportunity may be lost for good.

For information about how music positively affects students and their education and development see this post about music advocacy!!!

I will be linking schedule change request forms and instructions about how to enroll your children here on the blog shortly. I would love to hear your input.


  1. I want to do either the trumpet or the saxaphone. I also want to try out the guitar!

  2. Thanks for caring about if we carry on music.I'll continue music because it rocks!

  3. To Mrs.Kenison
    When is the holiday sing along and what do we do?
    It said it's on the 8th but my strings concert is on the 8th.
    Please tell me more.
    Thank you

  4. Hey Allison,

    The singalong is right after the strings play on the 8th.


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