Links, Oh do I love thee...

Hey guys, this video is all about using the links tab at the top of the blog. I hope to make it a much longer list. Make sure to check out what's there already!


  1. hey mr.k i have a song to tell you it is called i made it

  2. Hey, speacial k, I wanted to ask you something... Can music affect the way you write songs?

  3. mr.k have u heard of the song rocketeer yet?

  4. I have a qustion, last week in class I can't remember what website you were on, but you could move furniture and portales and these little blobs would apper and jump around,they would also make noise

  5. Cassandra, I was showing you the New York Philharmonic kids site. It's the 3rd link under the links tab on the blog. Go to games—"musical mingles."


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