Welcome Back 2012–2013

Hey Everybody!

Welcome back to school. We've had a great first two weeks and I'm excited about the great things happening at Malibu this year! As most parents and students know, I'm teaching the K–3 classes this year and Mrs. Pearman is teaching 4th and 5th grades. While I'd love to be teaching all students, the split gives us the ability to focus more intently on the musical instruction of our grade levels. Here are some things you need to know about this year:

Our strings program has 18 fifth graders enrolled this year!!! That's HUGE.

I have 3 choruses: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade that meet during the day separately, and then all together on Monday afternoons. I teach all levels of the Surfersmusic46 Chorus, so even if your student doesn't have me for their general music class, they can still be a hardworking part of the chorus with me twice a week! Information about chorus enrollment was sent home yesterday in the Thursday folders, and can be found HERE (waiting on link).

All 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will be working on recorders this year as PART of their musical instruction. It will not necessarily be a weekly thing, but it will be aligned with the curriculum objectives for all appropriate grade levels.

I will be posting regularly, and I encourage you to explore my website/blog on a regular basis to find new material and resources to further yours and your child's music education!!

Sign up to receive new posts by email at the top right of the home page, and look forward to having a wonderful year!

Mr. Kinnison, Malibu Music Guru
757.648.3040 + 55255


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