
Showing posts from 2012

Site Visitors!!!

Today alone, we've had visitors to our website from the following countries. Music is a wonderful universal language, and it clearly shows in the variety of visitors from different parts of the world!!! United States 52 Germany 44 Ukraine 22 Iran 4 Russia 3 China 2 France 2 Canada 1 Chile 1 Malaysia 1

Welcome Back 2012–2013

Hey Everybody! Welcome back to school. We've had a great first two weeks and I'm excited about the great things happening at Malibu this year! As most parents and students know, I'm teaching the K–3 classes this year and Mrs. Pearman is teaching 4th and 5th grades. While I'd love to be teaching all students, the split gives us the ability to focus more intently on the musical instruction of our grade levels. Here are some things you need to know about this year: Our strings program has 18 fifth graders enrolled this year!!! That's HUGE. I have 3 choruses: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade that meet during the day separately, and then all together on Monday afternoons. I teach all levels of the Surfersmusic46 Chorus, so even if your student doesn't have me for their general music class, they can still be a hardworking part of the chorus with me twice a week! Information about chorus enrollment was sent home yesterday in the Thursday folders, and can be found HERE (wa...

Erik Mongrain | Air Tap | Guitar Tapping Technique


Malaki Paul | heartfelt singing

Malaki Paul 9yrs old – fantastic voice, and incredible emotion throughout the song.

Regi & Victor Wooten Guitar Battle

Here's one from two brothers of one of the most musical families ever.

Hot Cross Buns | Recorder, BAG


Civil War :: 5th Grade connection | No more Auction Block, John Legend

As 5th Grade starts the social studies unit on the civil war, slavery, and the rich African-American musical history that began becomes important in the development of American music. "No More Auction Block For Me," by Gustavus D. Pike, 1873 No more auction block for me No more, no more No more auction block for me Many thousand gone No more peck of corn for me… No more driver’s lash for me… No more pint of salt for me… No more hundred lash for me… No more mistress’ call for me…

Out in the Garden | 1st Grade Rhyme

Out in the garden pickin' peas I thought I heard a chicken sneeze He sneezed so hard with a whoopin' cough He sneezed his head and his tail right off!

Duduk Ensemble | Double Reed, Armenia

For further reading on playing the Duduk, here are some videos by world-class duduk player, Gevorg Dabaghyan.

Recorder | Indian Song, War Dance

5th grade chorus recorder song from today

Somebody That I Used to Know | Walk Off The Earth

Ingenious use of a guitar. If you break down what each individual player is doing it's fairly un-complicated, but the fact that they make it sound so awesome is pretty remarkable. Ten hands on guitar is incredible no matter how you look at it.

Syrinx by Claude Debussy | solo flute

Claude Debussy wrote "Syrinx (La Flute De Pan)" based on Pan's sadness over losing his love. This piece was the first unaccompanied flute solo of the 20th century, and remains a very popular addition to the modern flutist's repertoire. In classical mythology, Syrinx (Greek Συριγξ) was a nymph. As she was chased by the Greek god, Pan, she ran to a river's edge and asked for assistance from the river nymphs. In answer, she was transformed into hollow water reeds that made a haunting sound when the wind blew across them. Pan cut the reeds to fashion the first set of pan pipes, which were thenceforth known as syrinx.
HOMEWORK 4th and 5th grade!!!...kidding..............................but not kidding... :)

The Trombone

Here's a video of Wycliffe Gordon playing his warmup with a plunger mute on trombone. just like the one I have for my trumpet. The trombone uses a slide instead of valves to make the tubing longer and shorter. That's how a trombone player changes the pitch of the sound.

The Didgeridoo

The didgeridoo, from wikipedia… "The  didgeridoo  (also known as a  didjeridu  or  didge ) is a wind  instrument  developed by Indigenous Australians  of northern  Australia  around 1,500 years ago and still in widespread usage today both in Australia and around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden  trumpet  or " drone  pipe".  Musicologists  classify it as a  brass   aerophone . [1] There are no reliable sources stating the didgeridoo's exact age. Archaeological studies of rock art  in  Northern Australia  suggest that the people of the  Kakadu  region of the  Northern Territory  have been using the didgeridoo for less than 1,000 years, based on the dating of paintings on cave walls and shelters from this period. [2]  A clear rock painting in Ginga Wardelirrhmeng, on the northern edge of the  Arnhem Land  plateau, from the fres...