SurfersMusic46 Choir Performance

Greetings Everyone!

Thank you for being here for tonight's performance! The members of the 2011–2012 SurfersMusic46 choir and I greatly appreciate all of your continued support!

This year's SurfersMusic46 choir consists or 48 voices from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Malibu has 312 students—60 of those students (roughly 20% of the student body grades K–5) are involved in extracurricular music. That's one the largest percentages of any Virginia Beach elementary school.

My goal as musical director of the SurfersMusic46 choir is to bring music equally into your child's heart and mind. The songs you hear tonight represent a slice of the work we do during rehearsals. Our choir rehearsals consist of a blend of traditional vocal, and theatrical/performance education.

Tonight's performance consists of the following selections:

Believe, by Yellowcard (chosen for melody, phrasing, and dynamic contrast)

Rain, by Breaking Benjamin (chosen for vocal range and sensitivity)

Good Life, by OneRepublic (chosen for diction, articulation, and breathing constraints)

Kidz, by MGMT (chosen for contrast between head and chest voice, and theater/expression)

Little Wonders, by Rob Thomas (chosen for melody, phrasing, and low vocal register)

Check here later for a video of tonight's performance!


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