Chris Thile plays E Major Prelude by J.S.Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach - Check him out. Wrote some of the most inspiring music ever written. EVER WRITTEN!

Quiz Questions (answer in comments): Prize to the first commenter with the right answer:

  1. What is the name of the instrument that Chris Thile plays?
  2. How many strings does it have?
  3. What band is he a member of?
  4. What basic genre of music do they normally play?


  1. it's a five string banjo used to play folk music.

  2. no it has 8 strings and it's a mandalen.

  3. Great job Cassandra! Two questions down. It is a mandolin, and it does have 8 strings in four pairs of two.

    Now guys and gals, google his name and find out what group he's in and what kind of music they play. Use your tools to find the information.

  4. it has 8 strings and is a mandolin ,bluegrass

  5. Mandlioin 8 strings nickel creek and blue grass are my answers for the questions

  6. He is a member of the punch brothers,and their styles of music are newgrass modern bluegrass, and grassrock.

  7. Was I right Mr.K


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