GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!! for a successful Choristers season!
This Malibu Choristers season was dynamite! I want to extend a very heartfelt THANK YOU to Kim Daniels, Clint Cochrum, Eileen Treon, Erin + Matt Simeone for being there to chaperone our trips and watch after the Malibu Choristers. It takes time and patience which are both limited resources! Thanks to Kris and her staff for taking care of all our setup and building needs! You guys are the best. Thank you to Mr. Maloney and Mrs. Bailey for being incredibly supportive of our thriving Malibu music program. 25% of students enrolled in extra-curricular music! That's huge. I also want to thank the PTA volunteers who decorated the auditorium and hallways for the Wednesday night formal concert. They really created an atmosphere that really made the students feel that warm, magical, festive, holiday spirit. I couldn't do it without you! Lastly, a big than you to the beautiful Malibu Choristers. You worked hard and it PAYED OFF!!! You sound great, and you've learned so much...